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Paul nixon


Paul is author of 11 books on Christian leadership in a fast-changing age, including I Refuse to Lead A Dying Church and Weird Church.  He has coached hundreds of pastors, church planters and Christian leaders across the last two decades in America and the UK in multiple Christian denominations.


Beth estock


Beth has coached more church plants in the NONE and DONE zones of the USA than anyone else we know in the mainline denominations. She is a pastor, cultural architect, contemplative yoga instructor and futurist, integrating multiple theories of cultural evolution into her work. 


lynne alley-grant


Lynne has the distinction of having led a successful church plant and a successful turn-around of a large, historic downtown church.  She knows both challenges.  Lynne has also worked with denominational advocacy ministry in LGBTQ+ issues.

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rachel gilmore


Rachel understands what it means to successfully plant a progressive/evangelical church as a woman and a Millennial in a denominational culture dominated by the sensibilities of Baby Boomers.  She has also worked as a national denominational leader in church planting, with a specialty in assessing and resourcing planters.


craig gilbert


Craig has led worship ministry in a congregation with ten distinctive worship services.  He is a seasoned coach around worship design and renewal. He is coauthor with Paul Nixon of the 2021 book Launching a New Worship Community.


gary shockley

Stewardship Advisor

Gary has helped churches raise tens of millions of dollars for ministry expansion across the years.  He serves as an advisor to Epicenter in matters of stewardship. Gary also does Enneagram Coaching for teams and individuals in addition to spiritual direction


sandy gutting

Finance Manager

Sandy is an expert of hospitality training and accounting.  She oversees Epicenter Group's finance and customer relations.


justin kan

Operation Manager

Justin is a former educator specialized in management and educational linguistics.  He's in charge of Epicenter Group's operations and digital communications.

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